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i love him.
Saturday, May 21, 2005

heh. i havent blogged for really really long... just been caught up in lotsa stuff lately i guess.

dance night was a blast. the first 3 shows were not great, but at least with the last one (the most impt one for me anw, with parents and lawrence and yun watching), it was a huge success! hahaha. finally got the exhiliration of performing, and the high from being excited and happy about dance! hahaha. nice nice. i lost my pointe shoes tho... and we got really good comments about the alumni dance. im a contented girl =)

oh yes. then my birthday went by hahaha.. mm had a wonderful celebration on sunday.. lawrence took me for high tea at ritz! haha which was wonderful and fattening.. but who really cares! hahaha. i got a free strawberry moouse! hee =) yes that was wonderful. mm well my parents were too busy to celebrate for me on my day itself.. my bday almost went by without me cutting any cake or making any bday wish... cos cldnt get a cake. then at 11pm my mum felt so bad, cos i was quite disappointed (i mean, bdays are impt to me, esp that must at least have ppl sing song for u, then u make bday wish... ), she went out to buy me a small cake. then i felt horrible and selfish... but anyhow mum made me a totally sweet card. she drew a pic of a cake (that i didnt get this year), and inside she printed some stuff and pasted it there... and my praents wrote totally sweet and nice stuff.

they promised me a laptop. im looking closely at ibooks! hahaha they seem really good! haha. yes. might get one within the next 3mths or so.

and today was such a PERFECT DAY.
first. lawrence came to my house at the time i woke up, and brought me nice tea ping, and we watched nice movie at my place!
second, went for driving test... and i PASSED with 12 points! I'm officially a qualified driver man! hahaha yay! finally. i drove home just now from tangs heh hee! lawrence gave me my p-plate! hahaha
third, learnt that i got into NUS MEDICINE! yay! hahahaha. how many good news can come in one day???
fourth, watched starwars for FREE!!!! haha daddy's business associates from JPMorgan gave us tickets. so my parents, lawrence and me went =)
fifth, had a totally nice and fun dinner at nydc after that! ate nice farmboy chicken salad, baked pasta, mushroom madness, mudpie and cheesecake!
six, i emptied my bowels! haha k fine that was out of point, but when you have constipation.. real bad, sitting in the toilet for 1+ hour to empty bowels is worth it. =)

and i have so much to look forward to tmr! going shopping w parents, going to look at my ibook, then going for hyatt buffet dinner to celebrate my bday, and nus! hahaha. how nice =)

im such a lucky girl =)

1:40 am